Custom molded orthotics are inserts that will assist in improving your gait and providing support and stability for your foot. The most important part of having a pair of custom orthotics is the break-in protocol. If they are not broken in properly you will experience an increase in pain in your ankles and knees. It is very important to allow your body to adjust to the new support.

Break in protocol:

-Take out inner shoe liner and put in custom orthotics.
Day 1 – wear orthotic for 1 hour then remove and place liner back in
Day 2 – wear orthotic for 2 hours then remove and place liner back in
Day 3 – wear orthotic for 3 hours then remove and place liner back in
Day 4 – wear orthotic for 4 hours then remove and place liner back in
Day 5 – wear orthotic for 5 hours then remove and place liner back in
Day 6 – wear orthotic for 6 hours then remove and place liner back in.
Once at 7 days then the break in protocol is met.

It will take approximately 3-4 weeks for the orthotic to feel natural.
*Extremely important to break in orthotic in each pair of shoes/sneakers that you use.

Custom orthotics may last on average 1-3 years. The wear and tear of a custom orthotic depends on usage. If your orthotics begin to cause foot, ankle, knee, or back pain, it may be time to discuss with your provider regarding a new pair.

If you start to notice the top cover of the orthotic loosening or an increase in pain visit Brucato Foot and Ankle Surgery for evaluation and possible casting for a new pair of custom orthotics!

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