Tyreek Hill is another victim of a hip drop tackle suffering from a significant ankle injury. If you look closely to the video during his injury his left foot and knee is forward and as he gets tackled down, his ankle externally rotates which is a concern for high ankle sprain and medial deltoid sprain.
The high ankle ligaments (also called the syndesmosis) are located above the ankle, as opposed to the more commonly injured ligaments on the outside of the ankle. These high ankle ligaments connect the tibia to the fibula. It is important to have stability between the tibia and fibula at this level because walking and running place a tremendous amount of force at this junction. In other words when you put your foot on the ground and when you try to pivot or twist, you need the high ankle ligaments to keep those bones tight to be able to translate those energy to the ankle.
The recovery for high ankle sprains can take considerably longer than low ankle sprains and can mostly be managed conservatively. The treatment initially will include the RICE method. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Depending on the severity of the injury, treatment may include physical therapy, bracing/taping/casting, or even surgical intervention. But this is not an easy injury to recover from and go back into high-energy sports right away.
In those cases in which a separation of the tibia and fibula or fracture has occurred and surgery is necessary, patients will likely need to be non-weight bearing in a cast followed by a walking boot for about 12 weeks. It is important to do early range of motion passively, meaning with the help of a physical therapist who moves the ankle, to help avoid stiffness.
Outcomes generally are good if the injury is recognized and treated appropriately.