While there are many reasons for foot pain, if the pain is concentrated in the ball of the foot, then you could be dealing with an overuse injury known as metatarsalgia. Metatarsal bones are the 5 bones found between the arch and your toes and they act as shock absorbers when the foot is in motion and when one or more of these bones are inflamed it causes pain. It can be due to many underlying reasons and the general term for this is called metatarsalgia.
What are signs of metatarsalgia?
Foot pain that is exacerbated with walking and standing.
Foot pain gets better with rest.
Sharp or shooting pain in the ball of the foot
Your toes tingle or feel numb.
Most commonly the pain affects the second toe and often third and fourth.
You may also feel that you have a pebble in your shoes.
What causes this problem?
Wearing high heels or shoes with narrow toe boxes.
Certain foot deformities such as bunions, hammer toes, high arch.
Intense/high endurance exercises.
How is metatarsalgia treated?
Icing, Nsaids
Avoiding certain activities
Stretching exercises
Wearing properly fitted supportive shoes
Orthotics that are accustomed to your feet can be done to offload abnormal pressures to distribute the abnormal weight better.
If the underlying cause of your foot pain is not immediately obvious; X rays, ultrasound and or MRI may be obtained for further treatment.
Don’t ignore metatarsalgia!
If left untreated, metatarsalgia can lead to bone bruising, stress fractures, joint swelling, chronic stiffness and decreased range of motion.